Closet Fly

Closet Fly helps you build a wardrobe that works.

Impressions count. Whether it's your first impression or tenth. Our wardrobe consulting services can assist you in always looking your best and feeling confident, no matter your lifestyle, budget, or body type--without a lot of effort! How? With a small investment on your part, you will save a huge amount time and money because you will have been professionally and personally educated on:
  • what clothes, colors, and cuts are right for you
  • what to let go of and what to keep in your closet
  • how to shop smart--and never regret a purchase again
  • how to coordinate outfits and accessories
  • how to organize and maintain your wardrobe

At Closet Fly, we don't just get into your closet and make you look fabulous; we provide you with services and information to easily maintain a wardrobe that works.

Investing in yourself and in your appearance is just one of the many ways to improve the quality of your life. You deserve it.

It can be as basic as helping you find an outfit for an event, or as detailed as organizing and creating a new wardrobe to fit your lifestyle. You choose. And we will help you make it happen. Sometimes, all you need is someone who is honest and supportive--and I'll be at your side as we go through your closet, learn how to shop efficiently, and coordinate outfits for a complete, fabulous wardrobe.

Call now to schedule and appointment with Mayna at 425-922-0876 or email

Tim Gunn

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Here's what Kathy had to say after a Full Wardrobe Makeover from Closet Fly:

"Mayna, thank you so much for the photo book. I call it my wardrobe Bible and I have referred to it often. The rules are fabulous and I have used your advice to shop on my own with confidence. I have received a lot of compliments on my new clothes! One of my colleagues told me she was going shopping today because she was inspired by my new outfits.

At first, I had experienced a lot of anxiety about hiring you and I felt vulnerable showing you my closet. But I would waste so much time figuring out what to wear to work or a party that I wouldn't even feel like going by the time I got dressed. I decided I couldn't go another year stressing out about this, so I looked you up online. Your before and after pictures hooked me. I got the impression that you weren't intimidating and that it was OK to feel this way and that many others struggle with the same issues around getting dressed.

What sticks out most in my mind is your personality. Once I met you my anxieties were completely gone. You have a unique quality of making people feel comfortable and after only a couple of hours I trusted you and your advice 100%. I wish I would have found you sooner!

Believe it or not, this was a huge learning curve for me. Thank you so much for making this a 'fun' adventure. I would have never been able to do it without you. I can't wait until school starts so I can officially begin showing off all my outfits! I will definitely be using your services in the near future.”
Stacey London